Monday, December 22, 2014

Surviving Holiday Traveling (CC Day Two)

(we're just going to forget that I've not kept up my bargain of posting twice yesterday, and the fact that I'm posting this four minutes before day "three" is over!  sometimes I have these ideas like taking on a daily blog challenge during the busiest time of the year. eh-there's been worse decisions.)

I’m kicking off part two of this blog series with a post about holiday traveling, which as anyone knows, can be a humungous pain.

I fly to Chicago from Lawrence every year to meet my parents for Christmas, and then the three of us will drive to and from to St. Louis to visit my extended family (phew!), so I like to think I have a semi- diverse experience in holiday travel. I broke these tips up into General Comments, Flying Tips and Driving Tips. Enjoy!

General comments and tips:
1. Wear your heaviest and thickest clothes and shoes
If you have chunky knits like me, you could fit a minimum of 4 shirts in place of that cute sweater! Boots take up more space than slip on shoes, coats take up more room than jackets…you get it. The heavier and thicker clothes you choose to wear on your body, the more you’re able to pack in your luggage.
2. ROLL your clothes
I found this tip on Pinterest and love it for so many reasons-rolling takes half the time as folding, it creates more space in your luggage, it reduces chances of your clothes wrinkling…convert to the roll.

1. Don’t go without headphones (unless you’re an extrovert)
I really love the people on planes who are able to strike up a conversation with anyone-truly, I admire them! But I’m not one of them. I like this explanation on introverts' nature best: their batteries are charged in periods of solitude. Long periods of social interaction take a lot of battery, like when you're constantly using your iPhone. This doesn’t mean they dislike it, but they need solitude to get that charge back. If you’re an introvert like me and want to avoid a depleted battery from sitting by a talker for 2+ hours just pop your headphones in right when you sit down on the plane. You don’t even have to be listening to anything! Headphones are a universal sign of wanting your own space-and there is nothing wrong with that.
2. Heavy items go in your carry-on
I know this is counter-intuitive to making your airport experience less stressful, but this ensures no up-charges on your checked bags (if you have any). This year I put only clothes and my makeup bag in my checked bag (it was still 30 pounds-yikes!) and in my carry-on all my shoes, hair straightener/curler/blow drier, books, laptop, etc. 
This is, hands down, the most important flying tip I have. I’m on a healthy skin quest (post accutane does this to a girl) and there are few things I hate more than that dry feeling my skin has after I get off the plane. Of course lotion can do the trick, but it’s twice as affective when you hydrate from inside first. I usually drink a bottle of water before I walk through security, and buy another bottle for the plane before I board.
Here are two of my favorite videos of in-flight beauty tips, courtesy of Michelle Phan (the first is catered to a flight longer than 3 hours):

1. Comfort is KEY
Choose leggings over jeans for long drives-trust me! I also tend to pop my shoes off right when I settle in to the car-the chances of stinky feet later are slim! Also: if you are arriving at your family function straight from your 4+ hour drive I would suggest still dressing comfy and changing when you arrive-you'll avoid flat and wrinkly clothes from sitting for hours.
2. Only drink water or other liquids 30 minutes before you arrive at your destination/rest stop
This will ensure less bathroom emergency stops.

I may have been able to continue with these tips, but again-I don't need to ramble. I'll write up a part two if there is any feedback for more!

Here is a photo of all the clothes I took from Chicago to St. Louis for 6 days, just in case you were curious:

| I am SO sorry, because I left my camera in Lawrence! So for the first week of Blogmas you're going to have to settle with iPhone photos-whoops! |

This is...
3 sweaters
3 pairs of pants
2 jackets
3 pairs of shoes
2 dress shirts
and undergarments :) 

Please let me know if you have any other travel advice in the comments below! I love to hear from you :)

Happy Monday,

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