I used to say I really hated summer, but really all I hate is the humidity! Curly-haired ladies, back me up on this.
Seriously though, the past few summers have just been full of life, and faith building, and friends, and love. It really doesn't get better than this! I finally have time to slow down and relish in the quiet moments that God invades my heart.
With that being said, my summer needs some goals! As much as I try to pretend that I'm a free spirit, this girl needs structure in her life to feel accomplished (this will be a later blog post).
Soooooooo, here are my summer goals, in no particular order:
This past spring semester has been full of eating out, eating carbs, eating emotional, sitting in front of a computer for 14 hours straight....in general this hasn't been a healthy semester. I'm going back to my roots, which means back to juicing, back to working out 4x a week, back to living an active lifestyle and getting my bum out of this chair! (you know, blogging really isn't good for that last one). I'm SO excited to get my life, and my body, back on track.
I'm still not tired of that happy song you guys....it's just got that beat that's infectious! There is NO reason why life shouldn't be full of happiness, because happiness is a gift from God, and he lives in my heart, and so I have no excuses for being a sour puss. I want to dwell in the beautiful moments of life, spending time with friends, loving on my loved ones, letting God invade my evert moment. I want that.
For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm a Procrastinator with a capital P. It drives my loving parents up the wall and onto the ceiling. It's quite ironic because I love knowing that I've accomplished things, and yet it's extremely difficult to get them started. So, I'll be using this lovely little blog to keep me accomplished, keep me accountable, and overall keep me working,
Y'all know that I'm in architecture school, and something that's immensely important for me to get a job is my portfolio/resume/business cards/takeaways/etc. Basically I need to create a ton of professional documents, which is really exciting, because that means I'll be getting creative this summer! But I don't only want to do architectur-y things. I want to knit, I want to water color, I want to sketch. I always find it's best to unleash all your crazy thoughts through art.
Velocity Church (Lawrence, KS-CHECK IT OUT!!!!) has my heart. It's full of people who love, people who support, people who challenge, people who care. And it's time for me to go above and beyond what I'm already doing there (which is volunteering once a month in the nursery/preschool)! I'm jumping into a pseudo-leadership position as assistant in Velocity Kids to the pastor's wife. Look out kiddos, I'm gonna make you WERK. Just kidding, but we are currently building a structured classroom setting, so y'all better recognize.
That's a lot of goals! Will you, my lovely blog community, help me stay on task?
I know you will.
Love and Hugs,
P.S. here's my happy picture for the day! Rachel, Jus's sweet sister, captured this photo of us a few months ago, and I adore it. Missing him dearly while he's on his business trip in Oklahoma!
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